This post are for those small amount of people who appreciate my writing. Well, the thing is, I've been blogging on and off for quite some time now. And I decided to go back to my old blog. To my surprise, my blog actually shows my weight loosing process. What I mean by that is you are able to see how I change following the decision to lose weight. I found it quite fascinating.
The funny thing is that I managed to read my work before, the way I updated my posts then. I found it to be quite funny, I used alot of "HAHA" and short forms. Though now I still use the word "haha", I don't think I used it as much as before. I do know though that I don't use really deep "Smart" words like phobophobia? Well, for those who want to see how my writing was like a few years back, here you go, an ancient post from the 14th of August 2005.

Okay Okay... HAHA!!! First of all... The weddin is today... But i can't give you the pictures
now... That is just unfair... HAHA!!! The next post will be all the pictures from the wedding
for sure... Today's pictures are different... They are all pictures of Wednesday's Island TRIP!
HAHA!!! And my camera... Woah... I never knew it could take pictures with such nice backgrounds
man!!! HAHAHA!!! love the pictures... Anyways... I met the three so-called H.O.T German guys
from Falk's side of the family... HAHA!!! Well... okay lar... There was one kinda cute guy
according to Jen... He is tall man!!! HAHA!!! His name is Patrick... My age... And tall... DAMN!
HAHA!!! He reminded me of Thomas(thoban's son...) Anyways... We took the boat to the island...
Speed boat lar of course... And me... Jen... Fabian(One of the german Guy...)... Philip(German)
and of course Patrick... Along with Helen, Kumar, and Dan... HAHA!!! We were all in one speed
boat while Carol... and sassy along with falk and his family were on the other... They left
first for the island because Kumar... Took so long to buy the ice... HAHA!!! ANyways... When we
reached our destination... Man... I sound so like writting an essay!! HAHA!!! I saw Daniel
waitin for us at the Mamutik Jetty... HAHA!!! Anyways... At first we thought we were on the wrong
island because nobody came and help us with the things... But they soon realised that we arrived
and they finally took the trolley and helped us... HAHA!!!
Anyways... We enjoyed ourselves after that... Jen was like... "jay... I dare you to jump of the
jetty..." and I was like "okay..." and I took of my shirt and jumped in with my swimsuit and
board shorts!!! HAHAHAHA!!! I swam to shore and got back up to help with the things... Awhile
later... We arrived to the perfect spot... Jen and I found a nice spot by the picnic table and
we just you know... Put our mat out... HAHA!! Daniel joined us too... If you dont know who
Daniel is... Well... He's a guy from spain(18years) and he came to K.K like so many times...
But this year is different from the rest because he met me and jen(haha!! Perasannya saya;)
I am supposed to entertain him as in find things for him to do with me and jen and have some
fun... But since i have to also... Entertain the german dudes... HAHA!! Just ask Daniel to join
lar... Anyways... He's a really nice guy... OHOHOH!!! And he's here to finish his dive masters
course... HAHA!!!
Okay... Continue with the trip... I was like... Let's go to the jetty... HAHA!! And then jen...
Daniel and I went off to the jetty and hung out... WHATEVER man!!! HAHA!!! Anyways... We were on
the Jetty and i was like lets jump!!! HAHA!! Jennifer was tooo scared to jump so It was just me
and Daniel... We swam back to the BBQ spot and jen you know... Flew...;) HAHA!!! We went back
to our mats again and sassy was like... "Kenapa kamu tida mix mix sama Patrick diorang tu?!?!"
and was like... "Umm... Jen.... Go and Call them!!!" and jen was like "NO!! You do it!!!" and I
was like "But you're the hot ONE!!!" and she gave me the look... HAHA!! Daniel was laughing his
head off... Since i'm such a loving cousin... HAHAHAHA!!! I went and called Patrick... He was
awfully quiet on the speed boat and according to Falk... He could speak good English because he
learned how to speak that so-called language since he was thissssss smalllllllll... HAHA!!! So i
was like "hey man... You can come and join us if you wanna have a chat"(with my fake smile..."
haha!! So he seemed blurr but came and sat with us anyways...
The first few seconds were conmplete silence... Jen's eyes caught mine as Daniel's caught ours...
We were like in an area where nobody understands each other... "So... Where are you schooling??"
My randomness just came out of nowhere asking the lost Patrick a simple question... "ummm...
(it's actually not umm... It's like you know when you blow with you lips closed and it makes the
flapping kind of sound...??? Get it?? HAHA!! well... Patrick was making that sound..." "can
you repeat" he said again.. I was like am I talkin that fast?!?!?! And the question poped out
again "W.H.E.R.E A.R.E Y.O.U S.C.H.O.O.L.I.N.G???" and Patrick has this really confused looking
face... Immeadiately we could all tell that his poor mind is trying to process my M.A.L.A.Y.S.I.A.N
E.N.G.L.I.S.H question... HAHA!!! And i could see Jen's face thinking... "WHAT A TURNOFFF!!!"
HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!... No wonder she doesnt like white guys... HAHA!!! She still loves Her boyfriend
Sam anyways... HAHA!!!
After askin question after question... The three of us... Daniel... Jen and I finally decided to
give the poor boy's brain a rest... He seemed so nervous sitting with us... He seemed like a mouse
being surrounded by cats... HAHA!! poor patrick... "NOW JEN!! You go and call the other two!!!" I
said immeadiately... "NO!!!" Jen replied with the glaring look... "I already called Patrick" I said
givin her a *wink*... "Yeh... He already called Patrick..." Daniel said... Finally someone backed
me up man!!! HAHA!! "okay okay..." A nervous jen said as she wrapped her purple Sarong around
her waist and walked towards the slightly long haired German who looks kinda like those blond
quitarist with the long hair.. (not too long.. Shoulder length...)... Thats Phillip... Phillip
came walkin to us and sat on the mat... Jen came back awhile later because she couldnt call Fabian
who is Phillip's younger brother with short blonde hair... Anyways... When Fabian Joined us... I
was like..."so... Do you wanna go shopping tommorrow???" and he answered immeadiately... Looking
really interested "yeh... I would like to get a new shirt and a new short pants..." So... The
conversation went on... We were talkin about cars and also about Phillip's camera... He is a nice
guy who just wanna live a happy life... daniel was also talkin to them and Patrick sat quitely
listening to our conversation and also being told or translated by Phillip about our questions or
The chattin went on and my randomness came out again "Wanna go swimmin???" I asked Daniel...
"Anything..." He said smiling... "Okay... Phillip?? Patrick?? You wanna come???" I asked slowly..
"Okay..." Phillip said and then "(%^&*()%&^$%^#&" whatever German thingy he was translating to
Patrick but I think it's you wanna go swimmin... Anyways... I rushed to the beach and Daniel tagged
along from behind... As I got into the cooling water... All my worries just swept away... The
greeness of the tress on the Island next to ours tells me that the trees there are bloated with the
frequent rainfall thats been showering all over K.K... SPLASH!!! Daniel jumped into the water...
Along with Phillip... We were smiling to ourselves... I looked at Daniel and smiled... The moment
was just great... I could feel the happiness our the freedom they all including myself have...
I looked at the beach and I could see sassy chattin along with her husband's family and Kumar
and dan barbequing the seafood/lamb... Helen was supervising and I could see dan listening carefully
as Kumar jokes around like he usually does to pop a little fun into the Barbequing... Words just
continued flying out of sassy's mouth and the Germans looked blurr but I think they understood what
she was trying to say... Jen walked down the brownish gold sand pulling her mat and also carrying her
radio as she putt the mat right down under an old tree next to the tree's huge bark... There were
three caucasian women lying around 5 meters away from Jennifer whom are trying to get a tan from
the weak sun... The day was perfect as it was not too Hot... The sun wasnt strong and everybody
was happy...
"HAHHAHAHAHA!!! Nice day isn't it" I asked Phillip and Daniel... "Yes it is..." Daniel replied...
I had the feeling that Phillip was really enjoying the sea water... Suddenly... Along came Patrick...
Taking his shirt off... and then going into the water... He was smiling and i could immeadiately
tell that if he could speak my language(english)... He would say something... But too bad for him..
I was just focusing on chattinn with Daniel... Phillip seemed relaxed and Patrick's brain can't
process anythin English(no offense...) So... I was chit-Chattin to Daniel about life and Jennifer
came into the water with her mom's camera... The small but strong waves... Pushed Jen but her strength
was enough to defend herself from falling... Jen then tried to take some pictures but soon got out
of the water again because fear of dropping the camera was in her mind... "Jay... Can you please..
Please... Please take a picture of us???" She said with her begging look... "arent you scared that
I might actually drop the camera...??? I'm clumsy arent I...???" I replied... It's just an excuse so
that i dont have to actually get the camera... In the real world... I am not clumsy... But anyways...
I took the camera because i love her so... I took pictures of Jen and everybody else. Jennifer posed
in front of the camera while the other three, Daniel, Fabian, and Phillip just looked at the camera
with a blurred look.
When i was just getting into my moment, the moment where everything is perfect... The surroundings,
the constant chit-chatting between Daniel, Jennifer, Phillip and Patrick in three different languages...
German, English and Spanish... It felt as though I were in a triangle... Accepting whatever information
people give... But I was also giving out some information in Malay and English... But at that particular
moment... My body just gotten used to the warm yet cooling water... Everything seemed perfect... I didnt
want to get out until a loud screech was heard "FOOD" coming out of the mouth of my dearest cousin/niece
Jennifer Pedersen. She rushed to the barbeque pit and quickly grabbed a plastic plate left on the brown
wooden picnic table which is laying under a shady tree. Phillip and Patrick tagged Jennifer and went to
have their barbeque lunch.
"So... How is it like in Spain???" My randomness suddenly popped up again asking Daniel a stupid question.
And my brained just thought about the possibility that Daniel doesnt like talking about Spain and I said
again "If you dont like answering... Or hearing these questions... I dont mind...;)" "No... It's OkAi...
I dont mind answering your questions..." Daniel answered. We were chatting about almost everything... His
life there seemed so fun to me and to him... jen and jay's life is a paradise here... Through the
conversation... I learned a lot from and about Daniel himself and I would love to visit him in his city in
Spain called, Bilbao... (someday...)
Okay... Thats the end of chapter one... tune in soon to find out about chapter 2... That will be done really soon...