Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Jam: So, last night, Jar and I headed out to meet one of his friends ( Big Daddy) for a drink in Kenilworth.  The plan had been that Jar would drink, and I being the loyal, loving girlfriend that I am, would be the driver.   However, upon arrival I changed my mind… IN order for one to understand, let me back up here a few hours…


(JAR: a Loyal, loving girlfriend, is like finding a girl leaving Rhodes a virgin, many claim to be but few are…..)


Yesterday was our one and only day off in the week, so I had plans of what we could do.  Like a trip to the beach – it was a gorgeous day here. Or a picnic in the botanical gardens. So I went off to my house to get ready, with the intention of coming back to a fully dressed man. IN his defence, he did ask me to phone on my way back to his place, but between showering and doing his washing, I forgot to phone.   Needless to say, I returned to one naked man, lying in exactly the position I had left him in an hour prior. I as not the happiest.  Anyway, that meant that plans to doing pretty much anything went by the board.  


(JAR: All I asked for was that the jam phone on her way back so I would have 10 minutes to shower and get ready, which would be no problem, even though I was not that keen after the jam pinned me and left this on my neck…..)


This led up to my decision to drink a little… that is until Jar decided, that if I was going to drink, then I was going to do it properly. He offered very sweetly to buy me a drink (that should have been an alarm bell), and presented me with what he assured me was a double vodka and red bull. Jam: thanks babe, that's so sweet of you. Jar (said with smile on his face): It's a pleasure… So, there I am happily sipping on my drink, when I taste a very distinctive taste… but it couldn't be. Jar knows how much I do not enjoy tequila. But there it was again, that taste.   So there I was drinking TVR's, and just knowing that it would not end well.


(JAR: Jam is always the first one to shout lets have a round of tequila when out in a large group, so the news that she isn't a fan is news to me, however I admit I might not have been totally honest about her drink, however jam thought it is ok to leave the table to chat to some mate for 15 minutes and 42 seconds, whilst out with Big Daddy, Quinno and Fabbers…. Albeit she was the only girl, but as a Rhodes girl, it doesn't really count….)


Fast forward to 4:40 this morning, when I awoke and was convinced I had alcohol poisoning.   My heart was racing, I had sweat pouring off me, my stomach was not loving me… needless to say, I got to re-experience those TVR's, and man, they were worse the second time around!   I guess there is some lesson to be learnt in all of this, but I will leave that to when my stomach feels normal, and the smell of tequila does not send me running to the bathroom!  


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