Thursday, March 1, 2007



Jam: Yesterday, I decided that Jar’s room was officially not habitual by humans, and set about sorting out clothes, doing washing (got scared when I saw underwear move on its own!), and generally trying to sanitize this place. However, in my zealousness I managed to also pack up the keys to his place…of course, I decide to do this on the day we have to be at work by 4, and discover that the keys are missing at roughly 3:45… This leads to a frantic, fruitless search, and us missing our lunch at work.

JAR: BACHELOR PAD……..still living like a student, place isn’t the tidiest…..

Jam: Then I ran and ran and ran… at one point forgetting to give customers their pizza order for roughly 45 mintues ( needless to say the tip left was not fantastic!). Felt like my legs would fall off, and by the time by last customers left, all I wanted to do was go home and collapse into bed. However, Jar was doing bar last night, and had to prepare the alcohol for stock take as yesterday was the last day of the financial year… So we finally left work close to midnight.

Jam: Back to Jar’s place and the search for the keys continued until 2 in the morning, when I called the game off! Still have not got a clue as to what I did with those keys! And now it’s time to be off to work yet again.. let the fun continue!

Still amazed how you can lose a set of keys in such a small place…. Its only impossible until some one does it….. congratulations jam, and thank you for making my place look decent!!!

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