Here are some good resources handed on to me and now on to you.
Making a West Greenland Paddle, by Chuck Holst
Carving the Greenland Paddle, By Matt Johnson,
Cape Falcon Kayak, Oregon, Greenland Paddles
The Weathered Paddle, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.
Adanac Paddles, Dover, Ontario, Canada, all about GPs and a paddle maker.
Buy the wood in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada at: KJP Select Hardwoods
Check out Gnarlydog's posts, images, and videos on different types of GPs and Aleut paddles, technique and how they perform in surf.
Visit for a great explanation of the canted stroke, and much more.
See my more recent post, Let's talk yoga, a Greenland paddle, and healing a wrecked shoulder
Looking for Greenland Paddling and Rolling Clinics?
June 25, 2011, Greenland Paddling and Greenland Rolling Clinics, Back by popular demand at 1000 Islands Kayaking Company, Gananoque, Ontario, Canada
Greenland Rolling Feature with 1000 Islands Kayaking
And the guy featured in this video is the paddler who made and sold me my GP and showed me how to use it. Thanks!
Happy paddling with your favorite paddle wherever and however you find it!
The BaffinPaddler
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