I was thinking about how 2010 went for me. I remember how it started out so well and for the first six months, life was starting to pick up. I remember finding house mates that I get along with and loosing all the weight I gained from my last relationship, I remember during the first six months people started noticing me. My dress sense got better, and I made loads of new friends. Who would ever think that I would ever go out with an 'actor' and a 'supermodel'. When I think about it, I would never think that I would date these kind of guys when I was still living in k.k.
Towards the last six months, things were up and down, I had the car accident, which was a new low, I experienced a heart break that has never hurt me so bad before among other things. However, it picked up after I met a guy who I clicked with so well, it was a wonderful experience, even though things didn't really work out for us in the end, I'm happy to say that from him I learned so much, I learned to not be open about how I'm feeling, I learned to be less uptight, I learned to be 'chilled'.
I celebrated my 21st birthday in 2010. The worst birthday I must say cause that's when I lost my carkeys and my boyfriend. Sure it sucked, but oh well, we live and we learn. I lost two handphones this year, crashed one car, lost one car keys, lost three men, gained lots of new friends as well as more muscle mass. It's not all that bad la! It was good, I was bad, it was perfect:)
Jeffrey james
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