Friday, August 19, 2011

The West Memphis Three

I'm sure that most of you have heard of the case, which was featured in two documentaries titled "Paradise Lost." The three accused killers are to be freed -- but in exchange, they must plead guilty. Pretty much everyone with any sense (including the father of one of the victims) agrees that they were innocent all along.

As I recall, Dreyfuss got got out of Devil's Island under a similar arrangement. The state's need to save face is a powerful thing. Powerful and stupid.

The three were innocent all along. The only reason they were convicted -- and juror comments at the time make this clear -- was because the most erudite of the three, Damien Echols, had expressed a youthful interest in Aleister Crowley.

This case damns the south. This case damns the paranoia of the fundamentalist mindset.

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