Friday, November 18, 2011


Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - William Cottrell - David Hand - 1937

Snow White, pursued by a jealous queen, hides with the Dwarfs; the queen feeds her a poison apple, but Prince Charming awakens her with a kiss.

Wim Delvoye artist

Jeremy Kost

Après des formes abstraites, Angelin Preljocaj avait envie de « raconter une histoire » et de s’offrir une parenthèse « féerique et enchantée ». Cette version fidèle aux frères Grimm, joue sur des symboles qui appartiennent aux adultes autant qu’aux enfants. «La marâtre est sans doute le personnage central du conte », s’appuyant sur un argument connu, le chorégraphe peut alors se concentrer « sur ce que disent les corps, les énergies, l’espace ». Avec Blanche Neige, Angelin Preljocaj réunit vingt-cinq danseuses et danseurs de sa compagnie pour créer un grand ballet romantique contemporain. Dans la lignée des oeuvres majeures du répertoire de la danse telles que Cendrillon, la Belle au Bois dormant ou la Sylphide, il propose de nous faire rêver autour de la légende de Blanche Neige, au cœur d’un univers chorégraphique à la fois baroque et merveilleux sur une musique de Gustav Mahler.

A testament to the fact that performance art needn’t employ a megaphone or other ostentatious devices to get its message across. Catherine Bay’s project of gun-toting Snow Whites is cunning, decisive and wonderfully subtle. It’s been a long while since I’ve seen anything so powerful in the realm of both performance and choreography

In the epic action-adventure "Snow White and the Huntsman, (Kristen Stewart) plays the only person in the land fairer than the evil queen (Charlize Theron) who is out to destroy her. But what the wicked ruler never imagined is that the young woman threatening her reign has been training in the art of war with a huntsman (Chris Hemsworth) who was dispatched to kill her. (Sam Claflin) joins the cast as the prince long enchanted by Snow White's beauty and power.

A dark twist on the classic fairy tale, in which Snow White and the seven dwarfs look to reclaim their destroyed kingdom.

Looks like we'll have two Snow White films in 2012. The first, which we already looked at, is Snow White And The Huntsman (coming June 1st), and stars Kristen Stewart, as Snow White, and Charlize Theron, as the Evil Queen. (Model Lily Cole is also in). Here we have Mirror, Mirror (coming March 12th), starring Lily Collins, as Snow White, along side Julia Roberts, as the Evil Queen.

What I like about the first is how truly bad ass it looks. Theron lives up to the evil name it seems. And even though this one here is described as "A dark twist on the classic fairy tale", Roberts and crew come off a little more comical and kid friendly. Nathan Lane is also in here, and he definitely adds to this feel.

So which will be the blockbuster? The fact that Snow White and the Huntsman comes out in the summer period is a possible clue that it's perceived as the more epic picture. They also have Kristen Stewart, who is the more popular actor at the moment, compared to Lily Collins.

Directors wise Mirror, Mirror has Tarsem Singh behind it. He recently released Immortals and which got 38% approval on Rotten Tomatoes. In 2006 he had directed The Fall, which I thought was visually beautiful, but fell short on knocking it out of the ball park. As for Snow White and the Huntsman, the director is Rupert Sanders, and this will be his big screen directorial debut.

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