Wednesday, November 16, 2011

OWS: Did Obama make a fatal error?

Obama clearly gave the go-ahead for the recent OWS crackdowns. The linked story from Skydancing offers just the first leak indicating that this thing has Obama's fingerprints all over it.

As the above video demonstrates, the President has made a foolish mistake.

The OWS movement was already developing stresses and fractures, as the interview subjects admit. Those stresses were natural and unavoidable -- still, they were there. Moreover, and most importantly, winter was setting in; cold would have sent a lot of the New York occupiers home.

Meanwhile, as we get more and more evidence that Obama ordered the evictions, he'll lose support from progressives. If I were one of his advisers, I would have told him that from a purely tactical point of view, it would have been best to let the protests live their natural lifespan.

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