Thursday, November 10, 2011

Penn State fires a legend, republican gaffes, and frat mobs run wild.

Drip; drip; drip; the hits just keep coming from "Happy Valley".  JoePa is gone. He tried to leave on his own terms, but the board of trustees wasn't trying to hear it. You are gone Joe! Thanks for the memories.

And let's take a little time out to give some credit to a real journalist out there, Mark Madden; the guy had this thing all figured out back in April. And now he has an even scarier message about what possibly went on at Penn State.

Pimping out young boys to wealthy donors??!! Lord please make this story not be true.

I watched the republican debate last night. And I know that everyone is talking about Mr. Big Hair's YouTube moment, (How can you not remember the name of an agency that you want to get rid of?)  but he wasn't the only one who messed up his lines.

Herman called former speaker Pelosi "Princess Nancy", (I didn't find it all that offensive, but apparently quite a few people took offense and saw the statement as being sexist) and he had to apologize.

And Flipper Mitt wanted us to know that he is not a "flip-flopper" because he has been married to the same woman for 42 years...oh wait, he flip-flopped on that as well:

 “I have been married to the same woman for 25 — excuse me, I will get in trouble, for 42 years. I have been in the same church my entire life,” added Mr. Romney. “I worked at one company, Bain, for 25 years. And I left that to go off and help save the Olympic Games.." [Source] 

Mitt, there is a big difference between 25 and 42. But we get it; you have a lot on your mind. It's not easy to keep up with all those ideological shifts. I just hope that your wife is not like the lovely Mrs. Field.

These republicans better stop debating. I just saw the latest Gallup poll and his Oness leads the generic republican by a percentage point. He was actually down by as much as eight points last month. I think the more A-merry-ca sees of these clowns is the less likely they are to vote for one of them.

Finally, did everyone see the Frat Mob up at Penn State last night? Those kids were turning over news vans and destroying property all because Penn State fired a man who might have helped to cover up the crimes of a child rapist. Nice.

But not all mobs are created equal. The kids in these mobs were more well educated and...well, nicer. At least they looked nicer. They were so....white. Unlike the hooligans who ran wild in urban A-merry-ca this past summer. They looked so mean and so......well, black. At least these kids aren't "ignorant and stupid" like those "byproducts of sperm donors". Ain't that right Mayor Nutter?

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