Sunday, November 20, 2011

The trend - Authenticity in decor

A very interesting article was published in the Bangkok Post on November 7 titled “All that authenticity might be getting old”. Various famous faces of the interior design and lifestyle writing sectors give their opinion on the whole vintage/authentic/handmade design movement.  Is it just a fad? Or will this go the distance?

Well, I am a definite fan of vintage finds and authentic pieces that can be used as interesting and unique decor for one’s home. But, when I read about all the major retailers producing fake, made-in-China objects and marketing them under the vintage trend, I got nauseated. Of course it had to happen, everything popular or trendy ends up being mass-produced for commercial purposes. I understand. I also understand that not everybody can afford the wonderful antique furniture they see on high-profile design blogs like Apartment Therapy or Design*Sponge. Fine. I can’t even afford that! But there are other options to avoid an all-IKEA home. Hitting flea markets and garage sales, maybe.

Why do people dive into this trend, you might ask? The author of the article suggests that people want to prove they are creative individuals, that they are not bland and boring. They want to distinguish themselves from the masses. And have quirky items lying around that are telling a story. Their story.

On my end, I would stick to mixing a few good travel buys to affordable furniture, to meet my budget. When I have a space to decorate, that is. How do you decorate yours? 

All photos from Design*Sponge

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