Instead, Rodman spoke about something far more intriguing.
Today I got a robocall (!) telling me that the banksters would be in jail and unemployment ended and college would be affordable if Hillary were President. It directed me to
The site is minimal; and whois didn't tell me anything of note. The site says it's from "the 99%."
Perhaps you can find out more? For whatever reason -- and I could be very wrong -- this seems to me more like ratfucking than like a genuine Hillary campaign.

I can see why the Republicans would want to stir up dissent in Democratic ranks.
To be frank, the remarks about affordable college and full employment sound over-the-top to me. The real Hillary supporters -- people like Riverdaughter and Dakinkat and so forth -- don't use such unrealistic terminology. They know that a Hillary presidency would not have been a paradise on earth (although I feel certain that the past three years would have been easier had she won).
Ratfucking operations are usually pretty obvious, because the people behind them never learned the virtues of subtlety. Robocalls are expensive to engineer and annoying to receive. I find it hard to believe that a shoestring operation run by genuine Clinton fans would go down that path.
I can't trust any website which goes to such lengths to keep its proprietors hidden. Starting a political campaign is not like playing Batman: If you want to keep your identity secret, find another way to spend your time.
Internic tells us nothing about the owner except that was registered via GoDaddy on November 18, 2011. All of the extant messages on the chat boards seem to have been created within the past 24 hours; most of them are hostile to the very concept of a runhillary2012 site.
So...the whole operation looks like a fake to me. But whodunnit? That graphic may be our only clue. I feel sure that I've seen it, or something much like it, before.
Update: The image comes from I never really trusted that site. Are they behind the robocall effort? Where's the money coming from?
Politico has given some publicity to the pro-Hillary robocalls. Since Politico leans right -- well, make of it what you will.
Sam Stein at Huffington Post has also taken notice of the robocalls.
The PUMAs are back.Shows what you know, Sam.
A group of vocal Hillary Clinton supporters whose mantra during the 2008 election was "Party Unity My Ass" morphed into time into diehards who wanted the Secretary of State to either be elevated to vice president or consider another run for the White House...
If this is a PUMA thing, then why didn't Riverdaughter know about it? She started the damned movement. If runHillary2012 were legit, she'd have been part of it from the beginning.
Let's rephrase: If this were a PUMA thing, why didn't I know about it until just now? Granted, this site does not have the most impressive stats in the world, and I never officially joined the PUMA movement. (Or any other: To us curmudgeons, all movements are bowel movements). Even so, PUMA activists tended to frequent Cannonfire; this site is known to that community. If, during the past month, something like this had been in the wind, I would have gotten a whiff weeks ago.
If it were legit.
Of course, there were -- in a sense -- two PUMAs. One was a genuine cry of outrage from disaffected Democrats who did not appreciate being called racists simply because they knew before the rest of the world that Obama was a fake. The other PUMA -- the pseudo-PUMA movement, if you will -- was a GOP "split the enemy" operation. If you run into someone who claims to love Hillary yet who also tries to convince you that Obama is a socialist (or an enemy of Israel, a line we've been hearing with increasing frequency of late), you're dealing with a pseudo-PUMA.
The robocalls have been heard in New York, North Carolina, Florida and California. This is a genuine mystery.
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