A couple weeks ago my girlfriend asked (somewhat flippantly) why I don't talk about her on Sonic Masala. Well, apart from ruining my clear chances with Katy Goodman and Mia Clarke, the real reason is because it's all about the music. No one wants to hear about how we were listening to the latest Cannon record whilst driving to buy groceries, or how she is a minor fan of local grungers Sleepwalks, or how bizarre she found Amateur Childbirth, do they? Maybe I am being unfair. Maybe people would much prefer that to the crap I dole out willy nilly. But as strange as this may sound, much of our relationship hovers outside the realms of music. That is MY domain...MINE!
But then I heard this cover great retro guitar pop icon Beach Fossils did of the great shoegaze band Slowdive's 'Alison'. Beach Fossils bypass the shimmering guitar pop to embrace some shimmering noise whilst gazing at their shoelaces. Not only is Souvlaki one of the great shoegaze albums EVER, but the track is amazing and is emblazoned with my girlfriend's name. The song is part of AdHoc, a new "quarterly zine" that offers you a download of 50 previously unreleased tracks from supportive artists, if you're willing to donate $15 or more. Anyway, it's a great song. More importantly, though - you have been mentioned, Alison.

But I don't want to leave a Beach Fossils-affiliated post with out talking about the 7" they released through Captured Tracks a couple weeks ago. "Shallow" is the A-side, backed by another new one, "Lessons.
Beach Fossils - Shallow
Beach Fossils - Lessons
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