Consider these words a brief follow-up to our previous post on Bain's links to Spooksville. Throughout the Republican primary season, I semi-rooted for Mitt Romney to win the nomination, on the grounds that he was the only Republican candidate (other than the unpopular Huntsman) who was not insane. Well, if I knew then what I know now about the Mittster, I'd have chosen one of the nuts to cheer for.
Let's pick...I dunno. Bachmann. Why not? Her name contains a shout-out to a great composer.
After spending one day exploring the secret world of Mitt Romney, I find myself in a very dark place -- and I'm running on candlepower. Watch this space: There will be more to come. Much more.
Condi: William Kristol is trying to push the idea that Condi Rice will be Mitt's veep. Apparently, Ann Romney has mentioned something about picking a woman. That's all well and good, but Kristol should think twice before puffing Rice. As I noted on an earlier occasion: Condi won't sway many blacks or women, and she won't attract the Jesus voters. She will, however, remind people of everything they didn't like about Dubya.
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