So I guess theres 7 more days until I board that plane and head back home. Again.
I am broke broke broke. And I guess it's because I've been spending spending spending each time i get back home. I've been boarding planes over and over again. Okay, I'm not showing off or anything. The ticket are not exactly expensive and I don't fly to Europe or anything. But honestly, this year, I've flown in planes so much I am getting sick of it. First to Kuala Lumpur, then to Singapore, three times, then I don't wanna count how many time's i've flown back and fourth between Miri and K.K. And in Seven Days, I'm going back again, and flying back to Miri after 10 days, and 10 days after, it's back to K.K again.

I've read a couple of blogs today, apart from the usual close friends la. I read two, one belonged to a friend of mine called Marolene, her blog is called www.marolenemichellelee.blogspot.com. I never knew a girl like her could have a blog. It was all in mandarin though and I had a hard time reading through it. But it's worth a visit-ish if you are into those chinese thingamajig. She made me comment on two of her posts and I don't usually comment.

And there was another blog, www.chocolatepistol.blogspot.com. Honestly, the guy behind that blog is kinda-ish cute. But he did appear to be a turnoff when a friend of mine suggested that he looks like another friend of mine who was unattractive. I guess different people has different taste. His blog is "colorful" and well, "childish". But I guess he is being himself and because of that he attracts a huge following like how Abby gets hers. Mine is just plain boring but I like the whole simple is Chic design.

Now, I am at Marolene's place. Sitting in her room. And I've got something to share. My mom's movie. I found it on youtube believe it or not! hahaha! And i'm gonna place it here. Please do watch the video! I'm proud of her. this was her second film and it was released during the year 1981. Enjoy!
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