Friday, January 30, 2009

Department of Health Ghostbusters

When I telephoned Department of Health to ask them if they were Ghostbusters Department they told me they were Department of Health. I pointed to the front page of AOL news announcing that Derby City General Hospital was to employ an exorcist to deal with a ghost there. Instantly, the newly recruited ghostbuster googled the news and got to business. Only a couple of hours later the story was gone from the front page of AOL .com and Derby City General Hospital spooksperson denied any plans of exorcism and claimed press reports were inaccurate and exaggerated. Click on the link below to see an accurate report in video form of what I did today:
As always ther are different versions of events and this is what GMC said really happened:
But my mother knows best and she always had her feet on the ground:
For those of you who think that if you appeal against GMC and go to High Court that there would be a recording of the hearing, I must say: You are stupid just like me. You have to go to USA to get a recording of court hearing:
And here are some psychiatrists who have not paid their fees to the Royal College of Psychiatrists and what are they doing in their spare time? Ghostbusting!

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