So my best friend Inessa stood me up when I drove all the way to the airport to send her off. I called her and dropped her a text message but there was no reply. That's how I started my Saturday Night. I had a bit of a bad mood as my love also made me turn one big round and realised that I didn't have to pick him up.
But all things ended up being nice when I went out partying with all my friends. I played pool, danced to some music, and just had a good time getting together with the community. I Headed to Q bar of course. And realised that my Saturday night wasn't such a bad night after all :)
I am lazy to elaborate more cause i'm exhausted from the photoshoot i had today :)
Here are the pictures of my Saturday night :) Enjoy!

Pork Leg busy swinging his hair, Shawn sitting with Jay Sean, and Syazwan in Calvin Klein.

Simon, Michael and Syaz.


Bottom - Top.

Awww, the lovely couple.

The club looked empty already, we were there until 3 in the morning!

Michael with his fabulous fan.

Michael and Beth.

Adrianna and Rizal.

Senior citizens still know how to have fun!!!

Mr Albert, Owner of the Club.

Girls (Old) just wanna have fun ;)

Karim, Owner number 2.

This is the club where i spend my Fridays and Saturdays.

Sean (Covered), Ara, Michael, Ron, Teddy, Simon.

Teddy and Simon.

Michael laughing as usual.

Ron, the friendly carpet muncherrrr!

Pork Leg and Teddy posing like the sluts that they are!!

Teddy with his usual awkward smile.

Beth and Syaz. You can tell that the club was clearing up right before 3 am.

Bye bye guy in white.

The resident Dj of Q bar.

My cousin and I.

F.Y.I. The shape of the bar is of the letter "Q".

Men in Black.

Michael and Syaz.

Michael with his Gay fan.

It's faggots on the dancefloorrrrrrr!

Razak, Unknown, and Kilut.

Kilut. P.s. She's not a girl......Never a woman.

Razak. He was a former model. And lost weight as well.

Resident Dj.

Pork Leg with his "pantene" hair.

Murder on the dancefloor.

Rizal and Teddy.

Hellu is not a girl, never a womannnnn :)

If you like it then you should have put a ring on it!

She's not a girl, not yet a woman.

They're not girls, never womennnn :)

6 years.

Syaz and Beth.

Beth and Simon.

Syazwan, Adrianna and Hellu.

This is when the club was still quite packed.

Beth, Syaz, Teddy, Michael, Shawn and Pork Leg.

Adrianna, Ricky and I.

Walter, Gideon and Terry.

Walter, I and Terry.

Dovan, Me and Michael. I think Dovan is the cutest guy. Until i actually have him la then he's not.

Beth and Michael.

Teddy, Pork leg and beaver.


Shawn and Simon.

Lola. She's not a girl, never a woman.

Hellu, Michael and Riyo.

Hellu and Riyo. They're not girls, never women:)

I stopped by a Drive through when the night ended. It was tiring.