So here's my first makeup related updated in months...I did my first B2M for Cremesheen Glass in Deelight. I wasn't planning on getting any more lip gloss for a while (or makeup for that matter), but I decided to get this one for the name since Dee is the name of one of my favorite people. Deelight is a nice, kinda mauvey neutral pink color a shade lighter than my own lips..it's got pretty decent pigmentation, and is much smoother and less sticky than MAC's lipglasses.

Here it is on my arm..I've gotten a lot lighter the last few months so the inside of my arm is probably around the 20-25 range now.

On the lips, natural lighting. You may notice that it appears to settle lightly into my liplines, though it's not really noticeable in real life...the macro setting on my camera just makes it appear that way. I has the same vanilla scent that I'm used to getting with MAC lipglosses. Overall, I'm pretty happy I picked it up, though I don't have any plans to pick up any of the other creamsheens.

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