Friday, June 11, 2010

A Rush Of Assignments

So I managed to finish up my 1400 word major essay in two hours earlier today. Well, I wrote about 1230 words, had lunch while doing so (Roast Chicken Thigh with a side of Pasta and Salad), printed it out, and handed it in 5 minutes before the 1pm deadline.

I'm not proud of myself perse, but I am happy that I managed to finish it.

Now, back to the reason about this post. I was asked a question about a Social Movement in any country about it's focus, Objective, Steps Taken and Results. I picked Malaysia as my country of choice and Gay Rights as my Social Movement.

Which in turn got me thinking, I only completed my assignment with 5 references, most of it were all my own words, I don't know but the internet provide relatively low amount of Gay Rights Issue in Malaysia and the only strong Gay Rights movement called Pink Triangle Foundation is not doing much, in terms of going up against the government of course, but Pink Triangle is a relatively helpful Organization and I'm thankful for their services.

Writng the article was reasonably easy for me because I am part of the LGBT community in Malaysia, I've been living in the Gay Hubs of Malaysia my whole life (Kuala Lumpur, Kota Kinabalu) and found out that people now are getting more accepting towards Gay Rights. Even though some sources in Malaysia Claims that there are frequent raids, and punishment among gay men, I've never really seen much of it, except occasional ones in Penang and a Raid in Market Place last year. But I've never really experienced it. For me, I think that the Malaysians in major cities don't really look at homosexuality as a crime or a sin and have reasonable tolerance towards it.

I hope that one day, there will be an organization that will fight for the Gay Rights and change the Malaysian Policy, if not anytime soon, I hope to be one of the fighters for the LGBT rights:)


Jeffrey James

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