Sunday, June 19, 2011

beach party no1

Hey guys!!! So the last couple of days and after my cousin's birthday I have been out and about doing stuff every day, all day looong. The previous post was about my cousins birthday and the family gathering and this post is about his beach party with his friends! We went at the beach, set up a fire, cooked greek souvlaki and pita, listened to some music and some of us went swimming! It was an magical night! 
Thnx George, I love you!


the beautiful moon

*topshop top

me, penny and her friend dimitris

with the birthday boy!

the barbeque

my cousin penny

my little cousin fedon and me


penny trying to sleep

(unknown white shirt, insight swimwear, zara jeans, lost hat, fruit company bag, vintage jewelry, hawaiianas flip flops, vintage jewelry)

*It's the first time I'm not wearing something from TOPSHOP. Oh wait, I am! on the 4th picture, before I wore my swimming suit ;)

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