Friday, December 2, 2011

Lazy Negro children, Herman goes home, and a birther holds a debate.

Newt is blowing his dog whistles already. I guess you can't take any chances with the base. It's always good to appeal to their prejudices and fears while you are on top.

"On Thursday, Newt Gingrich reaffirmed previous comments that child labor laws are “truly stupid.” At a campaign event in Iowa, Gingrich explained that poor children need to learn how to earn money, rather than get it illegally.
“They have no habit of ‘I do this and you give me cash’-unless it’s illegal,” Gingrich said, according to multiple reports of the event.

A few weeks ago, Gingrich proposed a program in which janitors’ unions in schools would be thrown out and replaced with poor children. This, Gingrich said, would allow these children to learn how to work — something he says they do not learn in their communities. “Really poor children, in really poor neighborhoods have no habits of working and have nobody around them who works so they have no habit of showing up on Monday,” Gingrich said Thursday." [Source]

Yes, those poor kids don't know how to work, as opposed to those rich ones who  bust their asses all day.


I have a news flash for Newt: people in those "poor neighborhoods" work twice as hard as some of his neighbors and his fat ass. They just get paid minimum wage as opposed to the 1.7 million he gets for lecturing the folks at Fannie and Freddie about "history".    

Herman Cain is heading home to see his wife; apparently he hasn't spoken to her since Ginger surfaced.

I really feel sorry for that poor woman; Herman says that she didn't know that he was paying a lot of Ginger's bills. (But it wasn't an affair, because Herman is just a nice guy like that.)

Anyway, Herman says that he has a big announcement coming tomorrow.

We can't wait.   

Finally,Donald the Birther -working with some wingnut news outlet- is hosting his own debate on December 27, 2011, in Iowa. That should be a barrel of laughs. Donald really seems to have a grip on the republican party. All the major players have been to kiss his ring, and you get the feeling that they don't want Donald to fire them from his own political reality show. Let's call this one The republican Apprentice Candidates.

Good for Jon Huntsman. He told the clown from Birtherland to take a hike. Let's see who among the remaining republican candidates for president will do the same.   

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