Saturday, April 2, 2011

fake acent

A malaysia who goes to austrlia for a week comes back and say,

"G'day mate! My name is tan and I've been in ozzie for quite some time now!" (In full austrlian accent).

A white guy who lives in malaysia for the past twenty years say.

"Apa khabar, my name is steve and I've lived in malaysia for the past 20 years. Lah." (In an australian accent).

Its funny how most of us malaysians tend to mimic these american, brit or ozzy accent even when we spend a short amount of time there. I'm guilty of it, many of my friends are as well. I remember when I hooked up with an australian my accent is so damn kin yao! I don't know if the australian could tell but my friends laughed at me. He found it weird that malaysians say "no" in the full austrlian accent as well. Well, he thought that we said it that way too cause I did it so well. Hahahahahahaah!

So right now I'm going to promise myself that my english will remain as michelle yeoh and malaysian as possible even when I speak to white people!


Jeffrey james

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