Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"Not very much"?

Folks are wondering about Flipper and his 15% tax rate declaration. "How could a man who is worth over three hundred million dollars pay a lower tax rate than say a school teacher?" Well, it happens, this is A-merry-ca.

Personally, I am not as upset about Flipper and his 15% tax rate. I understand that he is paying that on capital gains, dividend and interest income, and not on earned income. Flipper has put away a lot of money thanks to all of his investments. The speculating business has been very good to him. Making money at the expense of others is nothing new to the vultures from Wall Street, and Flipper was one of them, we all know that.

But Flipper made a statement yesterday that bothered me even more than his paltry tax contribution:

"Though it's no secret that Mitt Romney's income is made up of residual Bain investments taxed at the low rate of 15%, the candidate admitted it this morning at a campaign stop in Florence, South Carolina. “It’s probably closer to the 15 percent rate than anything,” Romney said. According to the Times, he also loses his speaking fees in the cushions of his couch. “And then I get speaker’s fees from time to time, but not very much.”

"Not very much"? Let's see, he made over $374,000.00 in speaker fees last year at a time when most A-merry-cans are struggling to make ends meet, and he says that the money he made "is not very much"? Nice.

Honestly folks, doesn't it just make you want to slap the starch right out of his shirt?

Finally Juan, I tried to warn your black ass, but you wouldn't listen. You went over to the dark side because you thought that the clowns at the news network for dummies and their minions were your friends. Well I guess they showed you.  

So now you are pushing back, and you can't understand why those folks were mean to you.

"On Tuesday's "The Five," he explained why he asked the question. When co-host Eric Bolling insisted that Gingrich's comments were about economics and not race, Williams disagreed. He said, "It's very racial and... unless i missed it, black people havent been out there demanding food stamps, or marching for food stamps." ..."I don't think [Gingrich] answered the question at all," [Source]

So now you are sticking up for black folks, Juan? Well I appreciate the effort, and I appreciate the fact that you went into the middle of that Klan Rally the republican debate (in South Carolina no less) and asked a tough question that needed to be asked.

You got your answer, and it wasn't pretty. Sorry Juan, if you are surprised at the answer you got, you just might want to start spending less time over at FOX.

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