Sunday, August 30, 2009

My ex called me.... WOW!

I received a call from my ex today. Seeing his number shocked me because even when we were together, I would be the one who made most of the calls. On his first attempt I couldn’t answer his call because of some connection problems. Then I started to wonder why he called me, was there something wrong, or something I said, or something I did. That kept racing through my head. I waited for a few seconds for his phone call then I told myself that I shouldn’t and continued doing the dishes.

He did call back about a minute later, I answered. He sounded like he always do and I sound like I always do. He asked me what I was doing and you know, we talked about random things, catching up about each other’s lives. He told me he slept with this person or hooked up with that person, and I told him that I slept with this person and hooked up with that person. So it was nice la that we were both laughing ish and all.

But what surprised me most was that I don’t miss him like I used to, sure, I did miss him when we were talking, thinking about the past and everything. But the feeling is not as intense as it was before, like I could bare it and not even thinking of sending him a thank you for calling message. I actually feel good in a way. Well, maybe we still can be friends and I do wish him the best of luck with his life. But I can happily say that I’m still not really stuck on him and that I am moving on with my life. J


Jeffrey James

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