Monday, July 2, 2012

Blogs...a Guilty Pleasure and a Burr Under the Saddle

      Those people who say Saturday's wedding of the year was too political don't get it.  It's like saying there's too many cops at a police officers wedding...or too many teachers when a NYSUT member gets hitched.
      Events reflect the people involved and that doesn't bother me...
      What always interests me at these events is how many people I don't know come up to tell me they read this blog religiously . They even cite a recent story to prove their allegiance.   When I am told the bride's mom absolutely has to meet me because of a blog...well you know the media world is turned upside down.
       Normally a local pol has a reach limited by what the media provides plus local social contacts.
       Now I see why this blog galls traditional gatekeepers and creates a love/hate relationship with operatives who crave the exposure (like the photo all weekend on Newzjunky) but are paranoid I am not willing to be a house organ for their employer. Kind of like the way people  suck up to and yet fear a Walter Winchell or a Bob Gorman.
        My fellow Mayor Bill Nelson wanted his and his friend's photo on the blog, meanwhile elsewhere on the island nervous staffers  looked at me like a lurker or a tracker, bordering on a gawker.
        That's because they want to get publicity but also maintain the mantra that it's just another wedding...a private Bill Owens trip to Taiwan.
        There was a ferocity in traditional media circles when Scott Gray started up his Political IV site a couple years back....They couldn't stand direct contact to the great unwashed. Scott was forced to back down.
       It was similar with me, but I didn't do it anonymously. Now all of a sudden thousands of insiders read my missives about things others think is either not news or beneath them to cover. Besides, everybody and their brother had all sorts of photos on Facebook quicker than I.
       It's not that out of control. I don't have an MGV chopper...not yet.

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