Saturday, March 24, 2007

Alcohol and Boys…



Jam:  What is it about boys and booze? The one without the other is most pleasant (well, a least the alcohol is..:-).   This question repeats in my head, especially at work where the one is almost never present without the other. 


JAR: There is nothing better than a night out with the boys, away from the nagging girlfriends or wives…..


 Take tonight for example, a group of guys come into the reasturant, and the first question is "jou nommer?. (JAR: this should be your first warning sign)   Granted this is not the first time these guys have asked this question, so I do have an answer down pat by this stage.  I alternate between "it's safely at home", to the less subtle "no" (always said with the ever present colgate smile, and fake laugh to follow).   But this does not deter them – not sure if this is Dutch courage (leave out the courage bit, just focus on the dutch) or plain stupidity. But tonight they took it to a new level, insisting on trying to hug me. No threat to me, just enough to be annoying. This was followed by a rousing rendition of some Afrikaans song at the top of their lungs, in several keys at the same time. The overall effect was less than pleasing, and somehow felt like having one's ears grated from the inside!


Gratefully, they decided to move the party to a different location shortly after. Just in time to clear the floor for a group of foreigners (didn't get close enough to decide on their nationality)(JAR: There were from france, and don't tip very well….) who decided that buying vodka shots was a little time consuming and attempted to buy the whole bottle from the bar!   And as they consumed more of the alcohol, their delusions of being able to sing were increased.  Thus in one night, we were treated to two delightful attempts at singing, and several attempts at being grabbed! And in the morning, they'll all have the most amazing headaches….


JAR: Nothing better than a night out with the boys, saying dumb things to the waitress, or stripper, depends where you go…. J harmless fun

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