Monday, March 5, 2007

Weekend Punishment: Devil Wears Prada

JAR: As I sit here watching The Devil Wears Prada, already I can say it's a movie that relies on acquired taste, few movies after 25 minutes have bored me to the point where I am writing a review on it. The movie has a good cast – apparently haven't really seen these people before, aside from the bald headed guy with glasses, he has acted in a few movies….


JAM: Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway, Stanley Tucci…. Jar hasn't heard of these people before or seen them…. Need I say more?


JAR: Have heard of Meryl before, Stannnnly Tukki sounds like a gardener, and I thought Anne Hathaway was Shakespeare's wife…. On a happier note Ireland are 70/3 chasing our measly 192!!! Quote of the movie "I am one stomach throw from my ideal weight" yeah this is a chick flick, if your bird wants to hire it, DON'T!!! Unless you have been a bad bad boy – this is your get out of jail movie – not sure how I got conned into this one!!!! Maybe "you eat carbs for Christ sake" is the quote of the movie, or maybe I should hold on before deciding!!!


Jam: Typical man! Finds one point to focus one and conveniently forgets about the rest of the movie. Although I have to admit that this is a chick flick and was mildly impressed with Jar (he actually watched parts of the movie!).   As to how he earned this movie….


Last night he informed me (after a slightly frustrated night of waitressing combined with one huge headache) that 1) he had swapped bar shifts with one of the other guys and would only be coming in to work at midday (whilst I was on the opening shift starting at 9), if needed, and 2)that he and one of the other bar men were heading off to the casino.   I was exhausted to the point of tears, so I said "Have fun", and went home to collapse into bed. This morning my alarm went off at 8:05 , which I then proceeded to snooze…. For 55 minutes! Suddenly woke up, convinced that I had slept for more than 10 minutes, and could not switch on my cell! Great… tear into the house to check the time – 9. The exact time I was supposed to be at work.   I flew into the shower, into my work clothes and made it to work in 20 minutes.  By some small miracle, the manager on duty failed to notice my late arrival, so I got away with that.


It was a slow day at work (guess who didn't have to come in for work!) – the weather wasn't initially too good, which gave me a chance to wake up! Towards the end of my shift, I dropped a beer bottle, which strangely enough then broke.   Murphy 's Law dictates that when trying to pick up the pieces, I proceeded to cut myself and donate some blood to the kitchen floor. (JAR: didn't your mommy teach you the golden rule: that you don't pick up the glass you broke or you will cut yourself???)   Was very happy to get out of there at the end of the day.


Had to then rush to the shops to pay a clothing account.  Decided to be nice and phone Jar to see if he wanted to get out of his flat ( I had the car at work), to which I get the response "whatever".   So I went on my way, did my stuff and even bought him some food.  Get to his place, to discover a practically naked Jar who has spent the whole day in bed… he decides to ask if I earned him any money today, which is how he earned the above movie J


JAR: Hmmm I see sarcasm is not appreciated much…. And no she didn't earn me any money, she might have spent my money though!!!





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