Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A call for the "Atlases" to shrug

A major teabagger website is calling on small business owners to put the "Atlas Shrugs" scenario to the real-world test. The baggers want all small business owners to stop hiring in order to protest what they hilarious call
a globalist socialist agenda of redistribution of wealth, and the waging of class warfare against our constitutional republic's heritage of individual rights, free market capitalism, and indeed our Constitution itself, with the ultimate goal of collapsing the U.S. economy and globalizing us into socialism.
I, an American small business owner, part of the class that produces the vast majority of real, wealth producing jobs in this country, hereby resolve that I will not hire a single person until this war against business and my country is stopped.

I hereby declare that my job creation potential is now ceased.

"I'm on strike!"
William Rivers Pitt offers this response:
"Despicable" is not a muscular enough word to describe this sad catastrophe of a document. Leaving aside all the gibberish about global socialist conspiracies and Obama's dictatorial tyranny - truly, all that is simply too stupid to reckon with - what we have here is a far-right activist group demanding that millions of unemployed people be denied gainful employment for no other reason than the Tea Party does not like the president.

No jobs for anyone until Obama is gone. Got it? The suffering being endured by so many Americans in the aftermath of the very economic policies championed in this declaration have no bearing on the present. Screw you, screw me, screw everyone, until these people have their way. If even one person in America heeds this call and refuses to hire anyone in need of a job, that will be a disaster of enormous proportions, for it will stand as the clearest indication yet that we are not our brother's keeper, that we are a cruel and selfish people, that we are hopeless possibly beyond all redemption.
My question: Is this purely a propaganda exercise? Or is it possible that the creature who wrote this nonsense actually believes in these paranoid hallucinations about "globalist" conspiracies?

A real conspiracy does exist -- a libertarian conspiracy. It has been eating away at this nation for thirty years.

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