Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Flight delay.

On the road again folks. I am sitting in Philly International waiting on a plane that's delayed from Boston so that I can skid marks out of here. (Two hour delay!)Memo to self: Avoid US Air in the future. They can keep their dam "frequent flyer" miles.

"Ladies and gentlemen. there has been a gate change" Great!

Anywhoo, I am watching the television and CNN is all over this tax cut debate.
Republicans are really looking foolish. Their own bible; The Wall Street Journal, slammed them today in an editorial for not voting to extend the tax cuts. Mr. Tan Man refuses to bring it to a vote, and I suspect that his candidate for president will pay a price at the polls come election time.

No matter how they try to spin this, it all comes back to them not voting to extend the tax cuts past the January1 deadline.

So ten days to go, let's see who blinks first.  

I'm off the ranch for a few days, but I will be posting from the road. Sorry wingnuts; truth never takes a day off. 

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