Monday, August 22, 2011

Libya: May we have the REAL history now, please?

I haven't much time to write at the moment, but since the fall of (spell it how you will) Qaddafi seems imminent -- and may actually have occurred at this writing -- one thought occurs to me: Maybe now we can get a proper explanation for the mysterious Wilson/Terpil affair.

As some of you may know, Ed Wilson and Frank Terpil were the "rogue" CIA agents who aided Qaddafi at a time when Libya was being painted as Enemy #2 (behind the USSR). Many have questioned just how "rogue" those guys really were. The following is a description of an old radio show about the duo:
Moham­mar Khadafy’s ter­ror­ist cadre, the Red Brigades and Car­los the Jackal were allegedly among the recip­i­ents of Wil­son and Terpil’s expertise.

Although they sup­pos­edly per­formed as rene­gades, they claimed that their activ­i­ties sup­port­ive of “left” ter­ror were per­formed at the bequest of U.S. intel­li­gence.
Pro­gram High­lights Include: the group’s use of active-duty Green Berets to train Khadafy’s ter­ror­ists; Ed Wilson’s oper­a­tion of Task Force 157, an intel­li­gence oper­a­tion that spawned the Nugan Hand Bank (a CIA-connected bank that laun­dered drug and arms deal prof­its); Wilson’s role in bro­ker­ing ship­ments of U.S. arms to Egypt; Eye­wit­ness sub­stan­ti­a­tion of the duo’s con­nec­tion to Car­los the Jackal; the role of for­mer CIA offi­cials Theodore Shack­ley and Thomas Clines in Ter­pil and Wilson’s activ­i­ties; the untimely deaths of numer­ous wit­nesses to, or par­tic­i­pants in, the pair’s oper­a­tions; Wilson’s past oper­a­tions for CIA, includ­ing the Bay of Pigs project and the U-2 spy plane; Wilson’s alleged role in procur­ing explo­sives for the assas­si­na­tion of Orlando Lete­lier; Wilson’s con­nec­tions to Repub­li­can king­maker Robert Keith Gray; alle­ga­tions of con­nec­tions between Ter­pil and a drug-smuggling gang known as “The Com­pany;” Terpil’s claims that drug prof­its from the above-mentioned Nugan Hand Bank sus­tained U.S. elec­tronic sur­veil­lance facil­i­ties in Aus­tralia; state­ments from for­mer U.S. intel­li­gence offi­cers that the Terpil-Wilson oper­a­tions in Libya were, indeed, offi­cially sanc­tioned; alle­ga­tions that a “tame CIA insider” deflected Con­gres­sional inquiries into Ter­pil and Wilson’s activ­i­ties; Libyan strong­man Khadafy’s bankrolling of the Pal­adin Group, a fas­cist mer­ce­nary orga­ni­za­tion; a Latin-American assas­si­na­tion con­sor­tium known as “Oper­a­tion Condor.”
I never could understand how Green Berets could train Libyan forces "accidentally," without the knowledge of higher-ups within the Pentagon and the CIA.

The Nugan Hand connection is of great current interest, since Rupert Murdoch (allegedly) had links to that scandal.

Yes, I know that 1981 seems like prehistory to many of you. But some of us have been waiting a long time to know this stuff.

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