Saturday, April 21, 2012

Guns and cookies.

I know that guns and cookies are a strange combination, but both have been on my mind given the words and actions of two of my republican friends, lately.

 Let me start with the cookies, because more and more Flipper is showing the rest of us who live in the real world, why he shouldn’t be our leader.

So anyway, Flipper goes to Western Pistolvania and is offered some of the best cookies this state has to offer. What do you think he did? Yep, typical of the out of touch snob that he is, he turned his nose up at then. Then, to make matters worse, he took a shot at 7- Eleven. Now that, my friends, is flat out un- American!  

“I’m not sure about these cookies. Did you make those cookies?” he asked the women around him. “You didn’t, did you? No. No. They came from the local 7-Eleven bakery or wherever.”
Romney was not serious. But some of the folks at Bethel Bakery, which baked the cookies, didn’t find Romney’s remarks humorous.

“We wanted him to be welcomed with the best in the burg, and he had no idea, this guy has no idea how beloved this institution is that provided these cookies,” Bethel Bakery owner John Walsh said in an interview with ABC affiliate WTAE-TV out of Pittsburgh.
“It seemed like maybe he should have tasted them first before making the assumption,” Julie Lytle, who handles marketing for Bethel Bakery, said".

So Obama eats dog meat as a child. Flipper refuses to eat cookies as an adult. Which is worse? You be the judge. Does it say something about a man's character if he is prepared a meal by folks who admire him, and rather than take a bite -and at least pretend to show some appreciation for what they did- he makes jokes about the fruits of their labor? I think that it does.

Now on to the subject of guns.

Ann Coulter, as republicans love to do, is trying to rewrite history without a major chapter again.

This time she is trying to paint the democratic party of early American history as the party we know today.  It is not. That party started changing in 1948. Ann, does the word Dixiecrats mean anything to you? How about the words, Southern Strategy? I hope, for your sake, that it does not. Because if you do know the history of the movement away from the democratic party to the republican party by Southern whites; you are an incredibly shameless liar.  

Ms. Coulter, in a preposterous and absurd attempt to support the NRA; tries to make the argument that African Americans should support the NRA , and that they should  arm themselves with more guns. She argues that it was the democratic party who tried to keep guns out of our hands so that the kkk could have their way with us after the Civil War. This is laughable. Any person reading this with anything above a fourth grade education knows that supporting African Americans is the furthest thing from the minds of people supporting the NRA, today.  In fact, part of the reason they are such strong supporters of the NRA is because of their irrational fears of people of color. It is not because of their love of hunting.

Guns are destroying inner city neighborhoods because they are so easily available to the wrong people. Yet Ms. Coulter, in order to score cheap political points, says that what we need in certain neighborhoods is more guns, not less. (Besides, when it comes to guns, black folks don't get the benefit of the doubt like those other folks.)

That is a sad commentary on just how far some folks will go to support their political gang, and their perverse ideology. And it speaks volumes to where we are heading as a nation: More guns, less thinking. Shoot first, and talk later. I am not surprised that Ms. Coulter chose to go this route; she has been shooting from the hip for a very long time.

Finally, it looks like the you know who case has inspired  some copy cats. I swear "color arousal" is rampant in A-merry-ca.



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