Saturday, April 7, 2012

MUST one take a stand? If so, then I pick...

Is it just me, or is left-wing political blog traffic down in general?

If it's just me, excellent. Alienating folks is a specialty of the house.

But there are indications that the anti-Obama liberals have nowhere to go and nothing to say this election season. The sole exception may be Sky Dancing, where trade remains brisk. (Incidentally, Kat has a great piece up on the Ryan pseudobudget.) Usually, stats on a political blog double when an election looms, but I'm getting fewer hits now than when I wasn't writing at all. The numbers remain more than sufficient to keep the project going, but I still smell apathy.

And not just on this site. Even the big prog-blogs like Kos and TPM seem unenergized. The Word of the Aeon is bleh.

Politically-minded people want horserace stuff, and in 2012, I find myself hating all the horses. (Or should one say "both horses"? Santorum remains a factor, but only if you use a bit of imagination.) Blogging was more fun in 2008, when so many people got so pissed off at writers of my stripe -- perhaps because they secretly feared that we were right about Obama.

Which, sadly, we were.

And yet, being a natural-born contrarian, I'm now thinking of endorsing BHO, or at least anti-endorsing Romney. Romney and Obama will both screw you in the ass, but one has AIDS while the other just has the clap.

Whoever wins, this much is clear: The day after the election, we must make plans to retake and remake the Democratic party.

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