Tuesday, April 17, 2012


You already know all about Ted Nugent's latest bout of insanity. Anyone who can interpret these words as anything other than a death threat against the president is engaging in the lowest form of casuistry. Ted Nugent did not indulge in jolly hyperbole; neither was he speaking poetically.

The Democrats will be foolish if they don't make Nugent the face of the Republican party. The guy is a serial pedophile, yet Romney sought his endorsement. If Obama had bragged about getting an endorsement from Roman Polanski, you know full well what the Republicans would do.

I was wondering how the conservative press could possibly spin this one to their advantage. Then came the following headline from The Blaze...
Secret Service Probing Ted Nugent’s Obama Comments After DNC Rep. Goes on 30-Tweet Rampage
According to The Blaze, Nugent's death threats should be classified as mere commentary. But DNC Press Secretary Melanie Roussell went on a "rampage"...!

Whoever wrote that headline is almost as insane as Nugent himself.

That's it. I despise Obama and had sworn never to support him. He has not only been the worst Democratic president of my lifetime, he is (arguably) the second-worst president of either party to hold the office during my years on this planet.

But as bad as he may be, the GOP has become a toxic wilderness populated only by mad dogs. These new-style Republicans make Dubya look reasonable.

Better a blue dog than a mad dog.

Added note:
One of the scribblers who commented on CNN's piece said something worth discussing:
The left wing liberal "sheeple" don't like what you said Ted, I guess they don't know that Obama and his crew are trying to obolish the 2nd Amendment.
"Obolish"? Is that a pun or just an example of bad spelling?

More importantly: What the hell makes these freaks so convinced that Obama is out to "obolish" the second amendment? Where's the evidence?

When Clinton was president, he repeatedly made clear that he had no interest in pushing for gun control legislation. Nevertheless, right-wing lunatics announced that the Great Gun Round-Up was scheduled to take place "some time next year." That's what I kept hearing -- in 1993, '94, '95, all the way up to 2000: "The law's on the books! They'll be coming for our guns any day now!"

And I kept asking: "WHAT law? Where's your damned evidence? Where are you getting this crap?"

The day of the Great Gun Round-Up never arrived, of course.

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