Friday, April 13, 2012

The "varmint" hunter speaks.

I hope that the manufactured controversy about Ann Romney and her working woman cred is finally coming to an end. In my humble opinion Hilary Rosen was right. But what do I know? I am not a gazillionaire and I don't have kids. Wingnuts, this is not how you stop your war on women. Creating a false controversy and feigning outrage over this issue will not hide the facts

Anyway, tonight I want to talk about some much more important things that have been happening in our country while the mainstream media and the chattering class focused on mommygate.

In case you haven't noticed, A-merry-cans have been slaughtering each other at an alarming rate. Take your pick: New Hampshire, New Jersey, California, and Ohio, (In a Cracker Barrel restaurant of all places.) Sanford, Florida....I could go on, but if you go into every one of those links that I have provided you will have more than enough material to keep you busy for awhile. Tragically, in two of those cases, men whose job it is to protect us lost their lives as well.

Ironically, the NRA is having their annual meeting in St. Louis, and Flipper actually addressed his so called gun loving friends and hunting buddies today. (Even though he only mentioned guns once. It's general election time. Let the flipping begin.) Of course Ann was by his side. It's the female vote stupid. Flipper told the crowd that Obama would restrain their Second Amendment freedoms, and (I am paraphrasing here) that he would take their god given rights to their guns from their praying hands. I am sure that this went over well with these geniuses. From what I have been reading they don't seem to be too bright.

The thing is, much to my dismay, Obama is actually more pro gun than Flipper.
Unfortunately for you gun loving winguts, -like everything else with Flipper- when it comes to this subject he is a fraud.

Finally, speaking of guns; according to some influential republican money people Obama should be speaking from behind bulletproof teleprompters.

"During an appearance on Fox Business Network Wednesday, Foster Friess--the billionaire backer of former Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum--said he hopes President Obama's "teleprompters are bulletproof."

"There are a lot of things that haven't been hammered at because Rick and Mitt have been going at each other," the retired mutual fund manager said before he made his comment directed at the president. He later told ABC News that he regretted his words immediately after he said them." [Source]

Sure he did. * side eye*

"If I had a son he would look like Trayvon."

O, you might end up like Trayvon of some of these folks have their way.


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