Monday, April 9, 2012

You can add Rekia Boyd to the list.

I know that I have been telling black men to be careful out here in our new "post-racial A-merry-ca", but now I have to send the same warning to my sisters living here in Babylon.

Sorry ladies, you aren't safe, either. There is a target on you as well, and you can thank our "color aroused" society for that.

I bring you the case of Rekia Boyd:

"Her death certificate says killed by police, but I feel like my sister was murdered," says Martinez Sutton, whose 22-year-old little sister, Rekia Boyd, was shot in the head by an off-duty Chicago detective on Wednesday, March 21. She died the following day at Mount Sinai Hospital.

Boyd's death comes less than a month after the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, leaving many troubled by the regularity with which unarmed people of color are shot, particularly by individuals claiming self-defense. And for those left grieving, the failure of authorities to hold the shooter accountable is the greatest injustice of all.

In the case of Boyd, Chicago police almost immediately echoed the account of the off-duty detective responsible for her death. Police say the officer in question drove up to a group of people in Chicago's Douglas Park around 1 AM on Wednesday, March 21, to investigate a disturbance near his home. He rolled down his window and asked them to quiet down at which point police say 39-year-old Antonio Cross pulled out a gun forcing the detective to open fire in self-defense, hitting Cross in the hand and striking Boyd in the head.

But neighbors, witnesses and Cross paint a vastly different picture. Cross told WGN News that he was unarmed and on his cell phone at the time of the shooting. When Cross asked why the officer shot him, he says the officer's response was, "I thought your phone was a gun." Cross has since been charged with a misdemeanor of aggravated assault.

Local news outlets initially reported that police failed to recover Cross' alleged weapon. However, Police would not confirm or deny... [Source] 

I can see you racists scrambling to find a link to prove that the man who shot Ms. Boyd wasn't white. That seems to be the new thing now: It's cool to kill the unarmed black person as long as it's not a white person doing the shooting. "Hey we are not racist, the Indian/Mexican/Cuban/Asian did it"

But let me kill that argument before you even try to make it. The truth of the matter is that the race of the po po who shot this poor woman to death is irrelevant to me. (I actually don't know his race, and don't care.) He too could be suffering from some "color arousal" issues. I don't care if he is a black man. It happens all the time; Black boys in blue put the blue over black. Yes folks, sometimes slave catchers actually wear uniforms.

Rekia, you didn't deserve to die this way. Those charged with protecting and enforcing the law should not be killing innocent people. But there will be no national outcry or outrage over your death. Some folks will say that you deserved to die because you were hanging with the wrong type of people, at the wrong time, and in the wrong part of town.

Just as they try to argue in the Trayvon Martin case, that this is the cost of being black in A-merry-ca. An A-merry-ca, they wail, where blacks commit a disproportionate number of violent of crimes. Not poor people. Not people who aren't properly educated. Blacks! 

" Kelly invited Fox News analyst Bernard Goldberg onto the show to discuss the matter. “While no decent person is happy about what happened, no matter what your politics,” he said of the shooting, “there are some people whose purposes are served by what happened. And I’ll tell you about the two: The national media. The national media doesn’t do stories about black-on-black crime. It doesn’t interest them. They don’t do stories about black-on-white crime, which happens in far, far greater numbers than white-on-black crimes. They don’t do those stories either. But this is like a movie script handed to them from Hollywood. ‘Oh my goodness! A white guy — or, in this case, a white Hispanic guy — shoots an unarmed black kid. Perfect story.”   

It might be "perfect" to you Mr. Goldberg. But I guarantee you that it's not "perfect" to the family of Rekia Boyd.

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