Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Is Marrying Your Mother Worse than Marrying Your Pet ? Candidate Says Strange Thing

       With a month left till Republicans decide who will lose to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Conservative Party candidate and GOP contestant Wendy Long has found out the danger of speaking in hypotheticals.....In other words, over-intellectualizing an issue like gay marriage.
      Ms. Long espouses the requisite views on the matter as the nominee of Mike Long (no relation).  However to make a point, she told Liz, "of course I would have like to marry my mother."

       She was making a point about the slippery slope she sees in same sex marriage that could lead to people marrying their parents or their pets.
        No, I don't think Wendy Long wants to marry her mom, but she said something strange and quirky.
         The slippery slope argument about marrying pets is a bridge too far for conservatives. 
         Ms. Long should win the GOP primary on June 26 as having the Conservative line too is the only remote way a Republican can challenge the incumbent.
State of Politics Blog

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