Sunday, February 26, 2012

David Gregory turns Meet the Press into the morning cringe; How I miss Tim Russert

While i prefer to watch Stop-Interrupting-Me Eleanor Clift argue with the McLaughlin Group (and her secret footsy with Pat Buchanan), i still check in with Meet the Press A.T. (after Tim) from time to time. But David Gregory's amateurish journalism skills and blatant bias embarrass me and like a punishment send me elsewhere most Sunday mornings. 
Let Me Finish!!!
Every time i watch i end up cringing-- it's like watching a 2012 republican primary--whether i am in agreement with him or not on any particular guest. I have ignored this but today i say it. Gregory stated in his first show he would try to maintain the standards of Mr. Russert. He needs to watch some of the archives and do some continuing ed training. David Gregory: It's alright to have an unspoken thought...
His questions are longer than the answers he allows before cutting off the guest, he argues in a nitpicky way, as if trying to herd his guest into a preordained answer, his obvious disdain for republicans colors his questioning in a way that disempowers and demeans the show.  [example here]
  Tim, we miss you!!!

Young Tim Russert with young son Luke 
more family pics here

the McLaughlin Group

Tim Russert, 1950-2008

Regardless of political or religious or national ideologies, good journalism is good journalism. (See Jim Lehrer) I am a fan of pure journalism as well as of the great or funny or sarcastic opinion writers. I can laugh reading ann coulter as well as maureen dowd. But i am not a fan of those who are acting as journalists who clumsily or otherwise are pushing an agenda. Any show come to mind for you? It becomes unwatchable.

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