Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Record Low Turnout Predicted in Some Areas Due to Rate June Primary

     The early primary for federal office is expected to attract a miniscule number of voters. In Onondaga County, officials are predicting GOP turnout at three percent in the statewide contest for the Republican nomination for US Senate.
      In some areas like NNY there are also primaries for House seats that could result in slightly higher turnout.  In our area if turnout is at say, 6%, the number of voters would be about 11,000, meaning as few as five or six thousand votes could spell success for either Matt Doheny or Kellie Greene.
      Despite few showing up, all the automatic absentees went out, meaning that group will have a disproportionate impact on the race.
      The primary for federal offices was moved up to comply with a law making sure ballots for those races are ready in time to send to overseas voters in the fall. Many military voters were missing elections due to the September primary and delays in getting ballots printed.
     Of course those voters may still miss out on voting in state and local races, but the Albany brain trust didn't think about that.

Record low turnout predicted in today's primary election | syracuse.com

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