Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Newt -- or Hot Rod Todd?

1. True story: In a Maryland courtroom today, charges were read out against a man named Todd. He stood accused of walking into a police station, clad only in his underwear, and depositing on the desk a vial of liquid. "Hi!" he declared. "I'm Hot Rod Todd, and this PCP is a gift for President Obama!" (The substance was tested and found to be, in fact, PCP.)

2. Shortly before he announced his candidacy for president, Newt Gingrich appeared at the Cornerstone megachurch in San Antonio, Texas. He told the megaaudience of Megachristians that the United States was turning into "a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists.”

Question: Who is crazier -- Newt or Hot Rod Todd?

I'll have to vote for Newt. At least Todd had an excuse. He was on drugs.

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