Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pictures of Suburbia

I love finding a photography series that really makes me travel via my computer screen. With the Internet democratizing pretty much everything by making the world accessible to, well, the whole world. (Yes. I know.) Travel photography can sometimes be over-the-top and difficult to relate to, and well, while being inspiring, does not make me feel like I now have a better understanding of what it would be like to actually be there. 

I recently read about a very cool project: 52 Suburbs Around the World, by Louise Hawson and her 8-year-old daughter Coco. The blog shows photos taken by Hawson while she explores major cities' suburbs across the globe. She is originally from Sydney and realized, in 2009, that she did not know her own city that well. This inspired her to go on a one-year photography tour of all its suburbs to get better acquainted. The idea evolved into a blog, which then became a book. Oh, and an art exhibit. And she’s back with this new venture that’s definitely worth checking out. Her new project's itinerary includes Hong Kong, New Delhi, Istanbul, Paris, Berlin, Rome and New York, which she admittedly calls "famous, over-photographed cities", and wishes to show under a more intimate light.

Hop on over to her site and check out the HK pics now! 

Photos via

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