Saturday, February 11, 2012

That small CPAC tent.

So I am thinking about "Who Would Imagine A King", that song from the Preacher's Wife soundtrack. And I am thinking, just wow! I love that f*&^%$g song! And the voice that delivered it was one of a kind. I say was because she isn't with us anymore.

If you won't miss Whitney Houston (demons and all) you sure as hell will miss her voice. I know I will.

So anyway, I have to say a few words about the CPAC folks down in D.C. before I call it a night.

I want to say this in all seriousness to my conservative/republican friends, because I really care about you, and I really want a vibrant two party system here in A-merry-ca: Do you really think that you can win over most A-merry-cans by inviting white nationalist and separatist to your conference? If you do, you are making a big mistake. No matter how many times you shout the N word to the delight of the faithful, it will never change the fact that, to the rest of us, you all just look like an angry group of racist.

Diversity is not "weakening the American identity", it is making it stronger. Knuckle draggers like you will never see that because of the "extreme color arousal" you all suffer from. (Thanks for that phrase, Francis)

I kind of agree with this poster from Kos:

"So I went and searched the names of these guys and found dozens of hits on civil rights websites. I believe in free speech and would never seek to silence anyone... no matter how abhorrent their ideas are to me.

But the idea of having these guys on the same stage as Presidential candidates... and no one objected... not one of them or the attending members of congress so much as batted an eye over sharing the stage with these bigots.
White Supremacists Showcased At CPAC Conservative Conference

Two white supremacists are set to speak at panels at CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference that will also feature speeches by Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum.
The first white supremacist is Peter Brimelow the owner of the website VDare, which is labeled by the SPLC as an anti-immigration hate website. VDare has featured the works of noted white supremacists, Jared Taylor, Sam Francis, Virginia Abernethy, Kevin MacDonald as well as conservative pundits, Michelle

The other white supremacist is Robert “Bob” Vandervoort who spoke on a panel called “High Fences, Wide Gates: States vs. the Feds, the Rule of Law & American Identity.” Vandervoort works for the site and also was the organizer for Chicagoland Friends of American Renaissance which met regularly with the Chicago Chapter of Council Of Conservative Citizens.

American Renaissance is white supremacist organization run by notorious racist Jared Taylor that organizes a conference of racists including neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan including David Duke and Stormfront owner, Don Black. The Council Of Conservative Citizens is another white supremacist organization." [Source] 
But not a word from the "lamestream media". (I wonder why?)

Still, I am sure that one of my black conservative friends will come out with a statement condemning the CPAC folks any day now. Right guys?

Now if you don't mind, I am off to download some of Whitney's songs on my iPod.

Pic courtesy of Sodahead



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