Friday, March 30, 2012

An alternative

Four more years of Barack Obama. Contemplate that. Four years of Mitt Romney. Contemplate that.

I once swore eternal enmity toward Barack Obama. But...good Lord, Mitt Freakin' Romney?

Obama. Romney. Obama. Romney. One or the other. No other choice...

Or is there?

There are two situations available on Pitcairn Island. With a little bluffing and improvising, I could probably do either job. Imagine it. I could be one of the few people there not named either Christian or Adams. Heck, I could be one of the few people there period.

One of the jobs is a teaching position -- or rather, the teaching position. Whoever takes that gig has to be careful. If you try to impose a little discipline, God only knows what those kids might do to you.

Pitcairn Island is a tiny speck of green surrounded by 4000 miles of ocean. Andrew Christian, Fletcher's direct descendant, is the island's more-or-less official photographer, and I have to admit that his excellent work does beckon one to come thither. The image here shows Bounty Bay -- the exact spot where the ship went down.

They do have internet connections. I'd probably have the coolest 'puter on the island. Gauguin with a Wacom tablet. It could work.

So whaddya think? Obama or Romney or...Pitcairn Island?

I'm tempted...!

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