Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Occupy 4 Jobs

Occupy 4 Jobs is a network within the larger Occupy movement. They are mounting pressure on the so-called "Super Committee" not to slash funds for jobs. Here's what they have to say:

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Wednesday, November 23 at 4:00 PM

Faced with high unemployment, skyrocketing food prices, a shrinking safety net, no end to foreclosures and corrupt, impotent political leaders who ignore them, the unemployed and underemployed are organizing nation wide. Demands for a publicly funded jobs program and increased support for the jobless will be made in New York, Detroit, LA, Philladelphia, Baltimore, Rhode Island and Boston on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23, with additional locations to be added.

The New York demonstration against the "Super Committee" cuts will take place on Wednesday, 4 PM at Zucotti Park.

This date marks the deadline for the Congressional “Super Committee” to reach a deal on the deficit. All reports indicate they have failed, the result being massive, mandatory cuts to the already inadaquete support for struggling families. This short-term deficit was created by unfunded wars and give-a-ways to freeloading banks. Now, to clean up their mess, even more of the burden is being placed on the backs of the 99%, with no serious effort at job creation. These facts are proof positive of how broken the current economic and political system is, and why the streets are the only place for the unemployed to fight for justice. “Hope” is gone, replaced with A LOT of justified anger.

One example that explains this anger is the “Big Bank Bond Scam”; legalized corruption that wastes tax dollars and forces us into perpetual debt servitude. In 2011 alone, the Federal government will pay nearly $400 Billion in debt service to the banks - interest payments that are triple tax-free, meaning the banks do not pay any city, state or federal taxes on this easy profit.

In New York City, out of a 2011 budget of $63 billion, the city will pay $7 Billion in bond interest to the already bloated and bailed out banks. On the NY State level, there are over 1000 various “authorities” similarly addicted to debt servitude.

The MTA is a good example. In 2011, the MTA will pay $2.5 Billion to the banks for debt service on bonds, more triple tax-free profit for the banks. $9.5 Billion per year in tax-free profit to the banks from New York City and just one state authority. Include 1000 more, the federal payments and every other state and city, and the pattern is clear: like a crafty drug dealer, banks keep lending us money to pay them, increasing their tax-free profits every year.

It would cost about $8 billion to create 200,000 jobs at $40,000 per year with health benefits. The money is already there. When politicians use our public dollars to keep us in perpetual debt servitude- tax-free for their friends, dealers banks, no less - before creating good jobs, providing health care or a solid education for our children, no one should be surprised to find us angry as hell and taking to the streets.

The money is there - The Banks got their share – Stop debt service – BE FAIR OR BEWARE!

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Cannon here. Unlike that fake "Occupy Building 7" sub-movement, the folks behind Occupy 4 Jobs are real -- real names, real contact numbers, a real address. I agree with their stance wholeheartedly. If we allow the teabaggers to be the only ones mounting "street heat" in response to the supercommittee debacle, then the right will run the show.

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